There is a huge difference between “does my home have a pest infestation” and “can I get a pest infestation?” When it comes to termites, the distinction is even more important. Termites are ever-present pests here in Modesto, partially because of our warm climate and partially because of our relative humidity levels. Termites are huge pests to people and their property, but they are also the original essential worker when operating in nature. In fact, termites work round the clock to remove decaying wood, plants, and other wooden items from natural environments. Not only does this keep natural areas safe and clean, but it helps to recycle organic material into something much more soluble by the environment.
Good feelings aside, termites are still five-billion-dollar problems in human buildings and households. These pests can quickly and carefully consume wooden beams, ceiling supports, walls, and even wooden floors in an effort to feed their colonies. It can be difficult to know if you have a termite problem or not, although it is incredibly important to be on the lookout for signs, symptoms, and occasional sightings of termite species. Here’s how to do an annual termite check of your Modesto home.
The Damages Caused By Termite Activity (And How To Spot Them)
Termites are difficult pests to spot, especially when they have deeply infested your home. For one thing, these secretive insects rarely wander in open areas. For another, these insects are incredibly quiet, even while stripping the glucose out of your wood. Here are a couple of telling signs and symptoms of their presence:
Doors and windows that seem to ‘stick’ or fit too tightly around their frames
Light sawdust (or frass piles) building up around wooden structures
Spotting swarmers or swarmer wings shed about the property. Finding swarmers indoors is often a huge warning sign of a growing infestation.
Have your home protected from encroaching termite activity using the following tips:
Reduce moisture by repairing pipes, unclogging drains, and addressing problematic water spots around the house.
Running a dehumidifier is a great way to cut down on air moisture, as well as dry out chronically moist sections of the home.
Mitigate soil to wood contact (think mulching) from around the sides of the home. Move all firewood stacks at least 25 feet away from the house, and toss away wood that has rotten or grown mushroom patches.
Have your home protected by annual termite inspections from a professional pest control group such as Insect IQ.
These inspections only take a few hours to complete and will reinforce your peace of mind all year long.
To begin the process of scheduling your next annual termite inspection, contact the folks at Insect IQ at your earliest convenience. Our team will quickly return your message and send out a team right away.
Why You Should Boost Your Termite IQ With Insect IQ
You may not yet have a termite problem in your Modesto home, but you could be harboring a termite infestation that will quickly grow into a problem. There are no good ways to address termites on your own, especially once they have begun to reach the end of their breeding and colony building season.
If you do notice any of the above signs of termite activity, don’t hesitate to find help right away. The termite pros at Insect IQ are always prepared to spring into action and have been helping Modesto residents control their termite problems since 2003. We’ve cleared over 3,500 homes from encroaching pest infestations, and yours could be next. Give us a call at Insect IQ to secure your home today!